Search Results for: rwanda genocide

JURIST Guest Columnist Jeffrey Addicott of St. Mary's University School of Law says that it is much better to have deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein put on trial in an Iraqi court than before an international criminal tribunal along the...


JURIST Guest Columnists Jamal Jafari and Paul R. Williams of the Public International Law and Policy Group and American University's Washington College of Law insist that under legal standards the situation in Darfur constitutes genocide, whether the UN classifies it...


Former Rwandan mayor Juvenal Kajelijeli Monday began his courtroom appeal of a life sentence imposed on himm in 2003 by the UN-created International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda . Kajelijeli, onetime mayor...


Kenneth Anderson, Washington College of Law, American University:I want to go back to something that everyone has already talked to death - the UN report from a week or two back concluding that although Darfur involves mass murder, it does...